Food Nutrition and Feng Shui - Master of Yi -Kwei Chen -
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Food Nutrition and Feng Shui

Why look at phase one can tell you malnutrition, not happy, then you will sorrow sounded bad luck is bad surface, so Master of Yi-Kwei Chen has been telling everyone you have to be very optimistic, you must be very happy, this is research experience, to try to adjust with food, so I do not feel happy. I do not poor.

Feng Shui is the physical, you must have something, it will have an effect, so you must have a feng shui ornaments, you have a role ah. You need to have the door will work ah! It is the physical must be, so why is it called feng shui people want to dig wells, to drink the water, you have to understand the whole process of nutrition among us, when the mineral water, it is not organic, it is very good minerals, its impact Feng Shui Why so big, you have to understand when I was kind of nervous so, then it is to eat calcium and magnesium tablets minerals, mineral must eat it to have an effect biochemistry, it will know you nervous yuan, including all muscle tension you will not spasm, the more upset the more intense the more you spasm.

You're not really sick people, then we are all Chinese medicine TCM boiled out of something, there is also a base of carbohydrates of plants, as well as trace minerals Why did TCM must use the pottery, pottery can not spend uranium that to cook, not ah! It is put inside the trace minerals dissolved out, they must be in the days of the medical side, the problem here it! It must be the existence of these things, you must have the presence of minerals, eat to produce chemical and biochemical effects, and you will be able to reach your head to.

If we need to study our feng shui, if not this concept, I do not eat hunkered down there, anyway, I have sucked the air is the wind, I had to drink that water, if you are able to sense that the door is not. You must be rich in nutrition, food must be rich, then you will be able to achieve their goals. After reaching the supply because you have very complete, your body will not function in all aspects of sad ah, even if debt is not sad ah.
