Vegetables and solar terms - Master of Yi -Kwei Chen -
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Vegetables and solar terms

(Dr. Chen Yi Kui)

"Food" affects fate, luck, love, "food" In addition to love, the most successful person in "food" is Confucius. Confucius and Aristotle in prehistoric times were philosophers, and all philosophical theories eventually evolved into Science, Confucius said that "respecting ghosts and gods but away from them". In the past two thousand years, science has fallen behind Europe for one hundred years. In 1949, the People's Republic of China was founded. They said that there is no god and ghosts, and then they criticized the Confucius because Confucius had ghosts and gods. Confucius said Respect the ghosts and the gods but keep away from them. Talking about the ancient "food" Confucius, who is eating the payment of tutor, was the pork belly, is there any lard in the three layers of meat? Is there any red meat and white meat in the pigs? There are, Confucius who eat pork to the fullness and finally extend life.

The time of Confucius was at the beginning of the Spring and Autumn Period and the beginning of the Warring States. Taiwan’s Minnan and Hakka were the people of that era. The southern Taiwanese Fujianese and Hakka people said, “There is no hope at the age of forty,” died at the age of almost 40, the average age of the world is 32 years old, so there is a Confucius said: "The seventies are rare." He said that he ate pork and lived to the 75-year-old Taiwanese, but the actual age was 74 years old. Only Confucius lived to 75 years old, because of that, his fame is forever, if he died earlier he will be forgotten.

Who is the president of the Republic of China who is recognized internationally, is Yuan Shikai, how can he be a president? Eat duck eggs, eat 6 duck eggs every morning, and even he was president still ate 6 duck eggs, but die without eating pork at dinner. Yes, died at 59-year-old, why did he die? Because the emperor did not succeed, Yuan Shikai cast the national silver into Yuan Datou, people saw Yuan Datou’s before please raise their hands. What is the value? I told everyone that Yuan Datou is now worth 8,000 yuan Taiwan dollar, when there was a large retreat, there were several tons of that coin in Taiwan. The smart people brought gold, and the people with gold all took the Pacific round, and the results sank. Someone here said: "The gold brought by her family is lost." If you take Yuan Datou, you will not lose it.

This "food" is very important. Tell people that you want to make money you have to eat fully every morning. It is not enough to eat six duck eggs. Because our duck are all animal eater, they are raised by the river with water, and the river is Dioxin and polychlorinated, Benzene and other pollution, so eat chicken eggs, chicken egg yolk is smaller than duck egg yolk, duck egg yolk protein and lecithin add up to 5.5 grams, chicken eggs are 4 grams, 5.5x8 = 44, 44 ÷ 4 = 11, must have 11 chicken egg yolk, so I have to eat at least 12 egg yolks a day to carry out my research work.

Why is Canada poor? Because of the milk, the milk in the hypermarket will indicate the content of milk fat, 2% (skimmed milk) and 5%. It is poor, because the oil intake is too small, people who have been to the Canadian market should all know. Therefore, the southern Fujianese and Hakka people in Taiwan called a good position a “ fat deficiency”, the Minnan dialect is called “ oil washing”, and the Hakka people called “oily ones”. This represents money.

The relationship between vegetables and solar terms is very close. We told people pork belly cook with green vegetable leaves, any vegetables including rice, etc., there must be photosynthesis, vegetables in photosynthesis in addition to daylight, in fact, there is light at night, there is starlight, moonlight, especially soil related.

Let’s talk about Taiwan’s various vegetables. Why is it called “winter supplement” after the winter? Because Taiwan was very poor about a hundred years ago, there were not many couples who have an affair. Because the poor can’t go out home, the way to save money so buying things is not the same between the couple. One hundred years ago, men didn't make up nutritious in the winter and women liked to make up nutritious in the winter. There was a song that was sung in the winter, it was going to make up nutritious in the winter, otherwise the husband will die. If a woman does not make up for the winter, the man will sing: Li Dong make up the nutritious, otherwise will not have the wife. People who have saved a lot of money think that they can't enjoy themselves if they die, so go for an affair. My grandfather didn't believe in the winter nutritious. He was in Confucian thought and didn't believe this. He died. My grandmother lived to 89 years old. My grandfather died in his 50s. Dead with a small illness it is now just bird flu, so eating is very important.

Talking about the relationship between solar terms and vegetables, do not eat the chinese water spinach after the winter, because the short time sunshine after the winter, the use of inorganic nitrogen fertilizer (N), causing too much phosphorus and potassium in the plant alkali, nitrogen deficiency, nitrogen deficiency will be bitter. If the cucumber is not enough nitrogen fertilizer, the pedicel will be bitter. When the radish nitrogen deficiency is insufficient, the leaves are spicy and bitter. The water spinach is very good after the vernal equinox. Note that people who eat supplements, especially those who are mother-in-law, will say that the water spinach will reduce the drug effect. In fact, it is not a solution, it is a plant alkali. One hundred years ago, people who was sick taking Chinese herbal medicine, eating the roots of plants, and the water spinach plant base is stronger than the plant base of the Chinese herbal medicine, and the efficacy of the herbal medicine is gone. What to eat after the winter? Eat Brassica juncea and Chinese cabbage.

The sauerkraut meat pot in the northeast is pickled by Chinese cabbage, and the cruciferous family is very good. As long as there is no problem with the soil, not use a lot of pesticides. If you eat cruciferous dishes every day, the cancer will be away from you, but you also will not live long. To live long, you have to eat pork. Eating pork has the ability to make money. Lu Guo expelled Confucius and was not allowed to give lectures in Lu. Historically, said that he had tours every country. Mao Zedong imitated him. They called the escape of 25,000 miles in history as the 25,000-mile long march.

The vegetables of the cruciferous family should be eaten in seasons. After pickled mustard green, the vegetables will become sour. There are big and small vegetables in the mustard greens. The pickled vegetables are sauerkraut the big one after pickling. The dried vegetables are smaller and dried. How do Hakka people have money? Eat dried small mustard green and steamed pork, not to eat once will have money, at least 6 years, eat one piece a day is good enough, that piece weight about one and a half ounce. The vegetables of the cruciferous family can be eaten every season with salted. The green vegetables of the cruciferous family have no pesticides before. They are not able to grow without in the cold high land and not be eaten in the summer. In the summer, there are only landowners who are rich are able to have it. Why? After pickling sauerkraut in summer (after summer), there is a pickled duck soup every day after the summer heat, what duck is used for the soup? The male duck, why? The female wants to lay eggs. After eating it the whole summer, won't have heat stroke and earned money.

On October 26, 1945 (the 34th year of the Republic of China), the inflation-controlled economy slowly collapsed. On July 1, 1949, NT,000 was exchanged for a new Taiwan dollar. The Taiwan dollar is a world-recognized currency, the unit is NT$, or NTD. Why did Taiwan like this? In 1937, the Japanese Emperor announced the incident of Zhina, called the Sino-Japanese War the Zhina incident, and began to allocate rations in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. In 1937, he began to allocate rations. Pigs must have pigs license. Like people, you want to kill pigs must have a name, pay 100% tax, how much is the value of this pig? You have to pay the same amount of tax, according to the pig collection, this is great, so Taiwan people do not have pork and lard to eat.

Eating is too important, eating makes you rich, eating makes you divorced, eating makes you fall in love, eating makes you sick, all come from eating, and finally die good if you die.

In the winter eat the vegetables of the Asteraceae and the genus Amaranthus. The lettuce is Asteraceae. The spinach is a scorpion. The mustard greens of the cruciferous family must be fried with lard and fried pork belly. I don’t order the mustard greens in the outside restaurant because they are fried with vegetable oil. This dish loses money and loses my luck.

 Why is Beijing so powerful? Why do everyone have to pay taxes? They eat sour cabbage to cook pork belly hot pot, using the Zhou pot, the hot pot is round like Tai Chi, the middle has a chimney, from the five elements terms of reason, wood to fires produce earth then to metal, earth enhance earth for Chi, metal to water supplement fluid, and all five elements complete.

Copper is our nutrient, mineral nutrient, including the prescription of traditional Chinese medicine for bruises. Why is there a natural copper? Because the combination of other herbs and natural copper can absorb calcium, phosphorus and potassium, natural copper is very good. The medicinal material, NPK is an element of life, nitrogen (N) can synthesize protein, phosphorus (P) synthesizes sugar, sweet sugar, the elderly can not eat too much sugar, because the phosphorus and phosphorus metabolism must to pass the kidneys, the burden on the kidneys is too heavy, so can not eat more sugar. Potassium (K) is found in all vegetables. In the case of the department, it absorbs sunlight. All latitudes have the highest degree of Poaceae. From the equator zero to 66 degrees north latitude, there are Poaceae (67 degrees is the Arctic circle), and the mountains are the same. In Taiwan the two thousand meters of mountains, have you ever eaten fried belly with bamboo shoots? The bamboo shoots grow at an altitude of 1,500 to 3,000 meters. The plants of Gramineae are grown at an altitude of 3,000 meters in Tibet and Qinghai. The hulless barley are Poaceae, the bamboos are also Poaceae, and the typhoon is blocked by bamboo fences in Taiwan. It is not blocked by brick walls. Taiwan's life depends on bamboo.

In winter, in fact, the chenopodiaceae has to eat to the vernal equinox. After March 20, it will bloom, called the mozzarella. The people who have eaten raise their hands, and its core is very delicious. This is also a chenopodiaceae, and the spinach is also a chenopodiaceae. The addition of mozzarella is also called thick mozzarella. It was used to raise pigs in the early years. People eat their leaves. The leaves fried with pork are delicious. The leaves are first boil to remove the plant alkaloids. Spinach is eaten raw in North America. It is a greenhouse-grown seedling. It is made into lettuce salad and sprinkled with a little bit of soybean oil.

Do not eat vegetables of Umbelliferae in the summer. Very famous pearly vegetables next to the fence should be eaten in the spring, and eat after Zhongqiu (September 20th). Do not eat after the summer solstice to the autumn, is not able to eat it, but eat too much will be brain congestion, do not think that you eat vegetarian blood vessels will not have cholesterol, eat a lot of pearl vegetables the blood vessels will explode, vegetarians eat the wrong food still problems. The blood vessels are not blocked but will be broken and the brain will bleed.

In the autumn and winter seasons, there should be coriander. Coriander is not to eat in the summer of Umbelliferae. In autumn and winter, you should eat Umbelliferae. The Leigong root of Chinese herbal medicine is not to be eaten in the summer of Umbelliferae. If you have heat stroke with thatherb, you will lie longer. There is an umbrella-shaped plant imported from Europe and the United States called carrot, red cabbage head, it is not a cruciferous family, the umbrella family can not eat in summer, why do I advocate using carrots to cook pig tails, boiled beef then it can be eaten? Ox is Chou, the pig is Hai, the month of Chou is winter, the winter is in the Hai month, the cold is in the Chou month, so the summer can eat carrots boiled beef or the pig tail, the carrots eat in winter, can also eat in summer, why? Add beef and pork to cook together.

The best eaten in the chenopodiaceae family is the wafter bamboo shoots and bamboo shoots. After the Ching Ming Festival until the Mid-Autumn, the bamboo shoots are hard to be eaten. The ten-day bamboo shoots around the summer of May 10 are the best, and the soup cooked with the chicken is so delicious. I have eaten rice with the soup. I have not gone for 20 years. 30 years ago, some people fixed me to eat bamboo chicken in that season. I said that I want a bowl of rice in the soup, so I will eat just that. Bamboo shoots and chickens were given to them. He said will take me to Songshan Railway Station after the meal, and asked me why I didn’t eat bamboo shoots. I said that chickens injected with antibiotics and bamboo sprinkle pesticides. Someone here and said: "There will be antibiotics and pesticides in chicken soup!", everyone should know that antibiotics are insoluble in water.

The fall of Taiwan is actually still summer. The real autumn is after the Mid-Autumn Festival (after September 20). It is best to eat the cabbage of the cruciferous family. The Chinese cabbage is good, like round cabbage, Shandong cabbage, and golden cabbage. If the is cooked in soup, the cabbage is quite good. No matter whether it is boiled cabbage or not, as long as there is boiled pork, it is good for those do not have good teeth, and there are teeth that can older cabbages. All the fibers are carbohydrates. Digestion bad or good digestion are different, and the solar terms are over.

What do you want to eat if you are a lovelorn? Orange daylily, when you are in a bad mood, eat the daylily cooked pork ribs soup, no rice, drink two bows a day, after 49 days, You would not think about he (she) to dead. Someone in the room asks: "Is there any effect of fresh Orange daylily ?" The dry daylily flower has the problem of sulfur dioxide. The fresh flower is only grow one and a half months. If you are lovelorn, what if it is not the date of the needle flower? Still need to eat the dried flowers, fresh food and processed pickled food ingredients are still there. The processing is a little bit more sulfur dioxide. If the amount of sulfur dioxide is not more than that, it will not be poisoned. The sulfur dioxide is organic plus flower. It is organic and organic. Salt is inorganic, pickled sauerkraut. Sauerkraut is organic when eaten, and sauerkraut is very good.

when I recommend the cruciferous family always recommend sauerkraut. If you don't have sauerkraut in the beef noodles shop, I won't eat it. I will buy the sauerkraut myself and boil it. The seasonal dishes are probably like this. The Poaceae are relatively ordinary, but the Poaceae need to be young. If the grasses are not young, they will not be digested, the old ones are too fibrous, the bamboo shoots will eat the tender bamboo shoots and the old ones will become bamboo, can you eat it? Chickens can't eat immature chickens. Chickens should eat old hen soup, eat mature chicken. After ripening, raise it for one or two more months to make its skin better. It is great to bite like a pheasant's skin, a lot of fat acids.
