Determining the structure of Geng metal (2) - Master of Yi -Kwei Chen -
Word class:

Determining the structure of Geng metal (2)

(Dr. Chen Yikui)

Male 33

   Hour day month year

      戊    庚    丁     癸    

      子    戌    巳     亥   

Luck cycle

 86  76  66  56  46  36  26

 戊  己   庚   辛  壬  癸   甲  

 申  酉   戌   亥  子  丑   寅

     Geng Xu day is also Kuigang, and Kuigang wants to be the boss. There is no way to compare this with the previous life chart. There are Wu and ShangGuan in him. There is thorough (Zi hour Gui year), and the wounded officials are not exhausted. He has no way to be a legislator. There are Ding and rooted (Xu has Ding). His skills and various aspects can be very famous in the future. He is a regular official, but he is not a regular official pattern, because Si is Bing (Si has Geng Bing Wu), Ding’s root is in Xu, he is close to the official, the official has the resources, and the resource is the power. It should be full of good luck when it comes to JiaYin. Why is JiaYin full of good? Because ShangGuan discharged Gui. When he was 36 to 41 years old, he was Gui Chou. Fortunately, this Gui and hour stem Wu combine together, and he would still be famous when he became a fire.

    Lucy cycle will go from 36 to 41 years old, but it has to work on technology and management. Don’t scold people specifically as I just said, specifically manage people to the Executive Yuan. This is not to manage people, but to do something, because he is very precise and can be very famous. The reason is that His ShangGuan (Gui) has control (combined with Wu).

    He started to be famous at the age of 36, and he was famous until the luck cycle WuShen 86 years old, and when Shen collapsed, he should die at that time. After 92 years old, he could not meet Ren (Shen has Ren). This horoscope is great. As long as you stay healthy and everything is fine, you must take two nicotine amide lozenges and two seed oils every day. Keep eating, and don’t lack oxygen-containing nutrients (seed oil). Able to maintain profitability.

    In terms of the pattern, the month contains Geng and Bing Wu, and Wu is revealed. This is a general method of fortune-telling. In fact, in Qiongtongbaojian, Wu only has qi and has no real effect. He has Qi revealed to hour stem Wu, but also only Qi without quality. His Qi with PainYin is called Pianyingge.

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