Twelve Longevity (2) Positioning of Heaven and Earth and Space-Time Coordinates - Life Cycle -
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Twelve Longevity (2) Positioning of Heaven and Earth and Space-Time Coordinates

(Dr. Chen Yikui)

According to the theory mentioned in the previous lecture, we humans grow on the earth, and humans themselves have a process of growth. This process of growth has been very complete in the Yin-Yang family of the Zhou Dynasty. It has been organized since the legend of the Fuxi era. When it was sorted out to the Zhou Dynasty, it was very complete. He called such a complete method Xianshu. To train this person to produce great people, to produce great people you must contribute to mankind. When you are a leader, there is a process of his whole body. This process is called longevity, bathing, crown belt, official appointment, emperor prosperity, decline, sickness, death, tomb, death, womb, and nourishment. So in a system like this, the earth is under the red line. Humans grow on the earth. These are human beings. They are neither gods nor ghosts. They must have this process. After the process of longevity, after he came out, he was able to improve to that level on Diwang. In the end, his decline was very short, and he died in a very short time. You must know that this is a very important theory.

Let’s talk about it. When this theory reached the Qing Dynasty, why did the two emperors inherit the culture of the Qing Dynasty from the Ming Dynasty, because these ministers in the Ming Dynasty did not work hard. After he got the power, he became corrupted and didn’t think about what to do. Created one of his contributions, the contribution to mankind has been extended, but when the Qing Dynasty went to accept the Ming Dynasty, the culture was so great, the very successful Emperor Kangxi was influenced by Empress Xiaozhuang, Empress Xiaozhuang was influenced by Dorgon, When Dorgon wanted to win, he used the culture of the Ming Dynasty to rectify all his ministers to attack the Ming Dynasty. The emperor of the Ming Dynasty believed the most, and a person with great cultural thinking was called Hong Chengchou. Hong Chengchou is amazing. A crab has a big shell. If those claws don't move, the crab is someone else's food. Hong Chengchou is like this. He is very knowledgeable, but none of the ministers under the emperor were obedient, so he had to surrender. He didn't surrender. Seeing that the people in the Qing Dynasty worked so hard and dedicated their wisdom, Dorgon accepted them all, including filial piety. Empress Zhuang accepted the whole concept of this culture. Therefore, Kangxi was cultivated, and Emperor Kangxi did it for sixty years. Later Kangxi took Hongli to become the later Qianlong. After cultivating Hongli to be the emperor for the last sixty years, he became the emperor three years later. In the Qing Dynasty for more than two hundred years, the two grandfathers and grandsons added up to one hundred and twenty. How many years did he use? Using this method, how do you go about cultivating him? Therefore, Sotheby's is going to auction Qianlong's most remarkable seal carved by Huangshi Tianshi, RMB 600 million. When Xuantong Emperor Puyi was about to flee, he was going to go to the Soviet Union with a stone. He did not expect that he would be captured by the CCP after leaving Jilin Province and turning it into a national treasure.

In addition to the entire operation like this, the trigram on the earth, which is the trigrams used by humans, is the orientation on the earth, and the operation of the solar system is to revolve around a plane like a plate, with the sun in the middle, Mercury, Jupiter, and Mars, Neptune, it revolves in such a plane, it is divided into trigrams in the way that it orbits, and this trigram is used as a name, that is, Qian, DUI, Li, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Gen, Kun, it is a name, but when you put it on the earth, It's not like this, it's called Tian, Ze, Huo, Lei, Feng, Shui, Shan, Di, and this concept must be clear. The trigrams that travel in the solar system are called Qian, Dui, Li, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Gen, Kun, including the classification in this universe is also called Qian, Dui, Li, Zhen, Xun, Kan Gen, Kun, if standing on the earth, it is Tian Ze Huo Lei Feng Shui Shan Di. We humans are close to the earth, so what we use is the Tian, Ze, Huo, Lei, Feng, Shui, Shan, Di. We lean on this person and sense what people say. Therefore, the gossip on the earth senses the trigrams of the human body, so the trigrams of the human body are The Governor Vessel, the Ren Vessel, the Six Gua, and the six Gua outside the Qian Kun produce twelve meridians. This is the way to determine the meridians. This was done by the Yin and Yang family during the Zhou Dynasty.

The most important thing for human beings is health, the second is knowledge, the third is wisdom, the fourth is longevity, you are very wise, you are short-lived, it is useless, there is a very wise but short-lived in Chinese history, his name of Qin is Gan Luo. It is said that he is very wise. He became a prime minister at a very young age. It is not true that he was a prime minister, it is just named. He only has this name. During the dialogue with the emperor, the emperor believed that he had the same high wisdom as the prime minister, so he said that you should have the qualifications of the prime minister, and he immediately knelt down to receive the decree. That's how wise people are! The emperor said that you have the wisdom of the prime minister, and immediately knelt down to accept the decree. You can see that the emperor has been deceived. So this is a wise man.

Then how to generate wisdom, it must be in line with the universe, that is to say, if the earth is not in line with the universe, people will not have knowledge, and secondly, they will not have wisdom. Like the very famous Newton, he was studying a lot of natural objects. In the end, he studied astronomy and found it very strange. He said that if any matter is in motion, it is in eternal motion, and it is in a line, which is called the law of motion. So why does it rotate along the east and west, because there is a gravitational relationship. It seems to say that all the planets, how can the planets of the solar system revolve around the sun, because the sun itself has a gravitational relationship. Gravity is strong, your motion is straight, but under the influence of gravity, it goes around in circles there. In this way, he used mathematics to calculate the calculus, saying that each planet revolves around the sun, and its area is the same in the same time, so the farther away from the sun, its area in a year is the same as that of the earth. The area of ​​one year is the same, but it is not necessarily one circle for one year. Pluto orbits the earth in 247 years, because the area of ​​the earth to orbit 247 times in 247 years is equal to the area of ​​Pluto orbiting the sun once. Newton used this theory to design his most famous mathematical theory called calculus. Now probably all scientists must be able to calculate differential and integral very well. He will probably be a leader in physics or any science.

Taiwan has a very great leader who is quite good at mathematics. The director of Taiwan Huawei Sputnik, the doctor of mathematics, designed the artificial satellite. He did not want to be interfered with politics and military affairs, so his Huawei No. 1 was put into operation. One of the models is the first in the world, and Huawei 2 is also the first in the world. The most successful thing about Huawei 2 is that the whole world has not photographed it. Only Huawei 2 photographed the nuclear test explosion of North Korea, which caused a sensation in the world, including the information that the United States bought from the Republic of China. Another very important thing is the high-energy discharge in the air called Red Boy. Because our thunder and lightning are all going down, this Huawei 2 sees that the thunder and lightning will follow the solar wind. When the sun's wind comes down, the magnetic poles on both sides are different, and they collide with each other, resulting in red thunder. When it hits the ground, it is white, and when it hits the sky, it is Red, this is the first exposure in the world, the question is why is it like this? math. Then you will ask if there is mathematics in China. Chinese mathematics is strong. When Chinese mathematics was in the 19th century, they thought that Chinese mathematics was stupid enough. Chinese mathematics only has addition and subtraction, not multiplication and division. Constructive mathematics only has addition and subtraction but not multiplication and division. All multiplication and division are derived from addition and subtraction. This is a great thing for Chinese people. What is Chinese mathematics? Binary mathematics, one and two are two physical phenomena called yin and yang. Adding physical mathematics to physical phenomena is what we are going to talk about today. Chinese mathematics is the I Ching gossip. How to combine it with astronomy, mathematics must be combined with astronomy Together, you are not united, you are useless only on the ground, you have to go to the sky. You see that all futures have to go to space, rockets to space, including planes to fly into space, you must fly into the air, you have a future, you go underground, you have no future.

Then it becomes the trigram of the ground and the trigram of the sky. How does the trigram of the sky come about? The earth is a thing called materialism. When the earth can be divided into trigrams, then space is also a thing. But you can't touch it and call it empty, when you touch it, and

there are things, there are many tens of billions of stars, and planets are not counted. There are tens of billions of stars, so what should we do? Standard trigrams are called Gan Dui Li Zhen Xun Kan Gen Kun trigrams, which are the coordinates of a certain star, and the coordinates are the mathematics in analytic geometry, so its trigram is determined by the coordinates. Then how does it trigram, the coordinates are X, Y, Z. If the positive side of Y is positive, positive X, positive Z, positive Y, then of course this side becomes negative, -Y, -Z, -X, then from this way, you know that this side is yang, this side is positive. The side is yin, but it has only three directions, XYZ, and each direction has one yin and one yang, and one yin and one yang equals 2. It has three directions. The trigram above is like this. Sixty-four hexagrams.

Why the divination must be combined with the sky to become the sixty-four hexagrams, you have to know whether this thing will succeed, then why did this thing fail in the past, because after the divination came out, it happened that if the hexagrams come out at this point, then the coordinates and the coordinates on the ground are together, and that is the sixty-four hexagrams. Among the sixty-four, the heaven that the earth revolves in the solar system has an effect on you and the earth itself, and what effect does it have on the person you predict, and as soon as this effect occurs, you will know that you are a loser. why? Why is the past accurate? Since the coordinates are used to discuss, then all the stars produced by this coordinates, our energy probably comes from those energies of the stars, then my energy, Chen Yikui, was born in this place, this energy Time to be born, assuming my mother is pregnant for 270 days, then the energy that absorbs these may be absorbed. A certain star glowed 30,000 years ago, and came to the earth and was absorbed by the photosynthesis of this plant on the earth. My mother eats this energy and supplies it to me in the end, then I decide what my abilities are. If I am a beggar, I will be the leader of the beggar gang in the future, and I will be the chairman of the township committee as the highest representative of public opinion.

It is assumed that your life is like this, so the Chinese use your birth date as the basis for determining your fortune-telling. But he didn't take into account that if your life were to supply the energy of a hundred and fifty years ago to the plants on this earth and then pass it on to you, your destiny might change. How? When I was not a representative of the public opinion, when I became the general manager of a company, it was possible that how much my income could be every month, and how much was under my control. This is what we call a cosmic force, a mathematical model that translates it into a way that can calculate your destiny including the different energies that can help you, that supply you, that can transform you.

This used to be called Xianshu in the Zhou Dynasty. How was it induced? Everyone would ask why it disappeared in the end, because the route taken by Qin Shihuang was different from the route of the Yin-Yang family at that time. He uses the five techniques, which only exist on the earth. He didn't think about it, how to integrate with the whole sky to operate. He only has hegemony on the earth. In the end, he did not fail, but he was short-lived. With knowledge and wisdom, he is healthy but short-lived. Assuming he is not short-lived, I think it's fine.

In such a Chinese culture, because of Qin Shi Huang's relationship, this kind of magic was stopped. I didn't expect that Chu and Han would compete. After the struggle, Liu Bang would occupy this country, the leader of this sovereignty, but those who assisted Liu Bang, a knowledgeable person who had learned a little bit of these things from the Yin-Yang family, and they were all killed. ZhangLiang went away. We don't know where he goes, he knows that he has no way to change the Han Dynasty. Because of those who belonged to Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty at that time, the throne wanted to be maintained, he must have high ideals, so he brought out the old master Confucius, and the old master’s book of change.

The commentators in the scriptures will comment, and go to the commentary of idealism, idealism is philosophy, philosophy

A scholarly annotation, a philosophical annotation of this I Ching, without applying it to actualization, is the actual to explain a principle of physics, it becomes like this, how to give people hope. Therefore, these Confucians went to come up with a Zhou Dynasty when Yao and Shun came down together, including the Zhou Dynasty toward, thinking what is the best thing for human beings? It is “world together”. So there is

The Great Harmony Chapter, but my personal thoughts, I do not believe that the Li Yun Datong Chapter was said by Confucius, but to

During the Han Dynasty, there were many scholars who settled on the ideal of Chinese culture as a whole.

People don't even dare to say what they said. If the emperor is not happy when he sees it, he will kill you. So finally

made it Confucius said, so you can't kill it. Come to the Great Harmony,

The worthy and able are chosen as office holders.

Mutual confidence is fostered and good neighborliness cultivated.

Therefore people do not regard only their own parents as parents, nor do they treat only their own children as children.

Provision is made for the aged till their death, the adults are given employment, and the young enabled to grow up.

Widows and widowers, orphans, the old and childless as well as the sick and disabled are all well taken care of.

Look at how beautiful this is! This has been done for more than 2,000 years, but it still can't come up with anything.

This is the whole culture of China, so what kind of culture is Chinese culture in?

A thinking and dream culture, do not implement it.

Since any luminous body in the entire universe carries all the energy, any star,

Some positions are all in one coordinate, in a certain coordinate, then this universe will

It is divided into eight hexagrams, the earth itself is divided into South Pole, North Pole, South and North, then due East, due West,

Northeast, Northwest, so divided into eight directions, the eight directions are also in accordance with the XYZ axis

as a decision. It seems that if the north and south are X, the latitude of east and west is X, Y, and Z is general

Cross-section, then this coordinate, so any birthplace has its coordinate, but this coordinate also produces eight trigrams, and there are eight trigrams in the universe, and the two trigrams together become resonance, which is six yao . Therefore, in the Song Dynasty, Zhu Xi discovered that the sixty-four hexagrams written by Zhouyi in the Zhou Dynasty were correct from the beginning of the universe. There are eight hexagrams of the sky and eight hexagrams of the earth. The two are slowly matched. Where the earth turns, the universe is matched there. Human beings are in the middle, and they must be attached to the earth.

There are eight trigrams on the earth, and the trigrams in the sky are called Qian Dui Li Zhen Xuan Kan Gen Kun. Many people regard Kun as the earth and Qian as the sky. Why? Therefore, I have compared this before. The Zhou Dynasty, who has studied very well, is a person who knows magic. When I stand on the ground on the earth, if one day I am like Chang'e flying to the moon, then if Chang'e runs to the moon, what is the earth? Heaven or Earth? Of course is sky!

This is the great Chinese thought of relativity. It was completed in 1045 BC, and this kind of thought is very complete. But under imperialism, you are not allowed to go to the sky, unless you die, and death means you go to the sky. This is the end of it, so it has become a culture of thinking like this as a kind of cultivation for human beings. Wang Yongqing, then the wafer thinks of TSMC.

So in the process of your growth, you are in a certain stage, as if I was in the stage of birth, how to deal with it. When in the crown, I am in the pre-work stage, what should I do when I am a leader, what should I do when I am about to die, then what should I do after I die, there must be a process, then you should be a leader, your character will be a very successful person.

Then the eight trigrams on the ground are called Tian Ze,Hou,Lei, Feng, Shui, Shan, Di. They are materialistic, the sky is idealistic, and every word is abstract. Qian Dui is abstract. Why can it design something like this, because it is abstract, it can solve anything, you will know when you go to divination, the Qian of Qian Gu can represent father or horse, because it is abstract, it is a symbol, it can represent anything, so Gan can represent for acupuncture the Governor Vessel , it also represents the head, the father, the northwest side, the horse, or anything else, because it is abstract, why? Gods are abstract, so many things can become gods. You can see that the third prince can also become gods, the Great Sage Monkey King can also become gods, Buddhas can also become gods, Buddha’s mother, because people don’t call Buddha’s mother a god. So Buddha's mother is not a god. It seems that Jesus is turned into a god, and finally his mother becomes a virgin, which is all abstract. Therefore, foreigners don’t know how to classify like this, so they often ask me, you Chinese use God in everything and violate their sovereignty, because in foreign countries, Christianity includes Islam, how lofty and great God is things. In the Chinese people, it seems that God is the slave of all Chinese people. He wants to bless others. Anything becomes a god, Guan Gong also becomes a god, and Tudi Gong also becomes a god. Finally, there is a very great saying that there are gods everywhere, and there are gods three inches above their heads, there are gods everywhere, this is a virtual one, a spiritual one, so these can be replaced, you can set it whatever you want, this is the sky.

On the ground, you can't set it. On the ground, you say that Ze is Ze, you can't turn Ze into a bowl, you can't turn Ze into Additives, and Ze into a hill will not work. Ze is Ze, fire is fire, thunder can't be set on the ground, you say Ze is Ze on the ground, you can't turn Ze into a bowl, you can't turn Ze into feed, Ze into a hill. Ze is Ze, fire is fire, thunder is thunder, wind is wind, water is water, mountain is mountain, it is materialistic, what about sky? Gan Dui Li Zhen Xun Kan Gen Kun is idealistic. It can be seen from the I Ching trigram that the Chinese people follow. The entire operation is the parallel between materialism and idealism. Your assumptions, including your actual actions, should be parallel. If not parallel, then If you are separated from the background of the entire Chinese culture, you cannot be separated from it, and you cannot be complete without this culture. You completely use divination to determine your career. Idealism, that won’t work. If it’s like this, you won’t be able to predict it correctly. The same is true of people. In the process of human growth, in this entire process, you must have materialism. You stand on the earth, this materialism, But you have to accept the idealism, the invisible power that is given to you in the air, called energy. Then it's light, it's electromagnetic waves.

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