Twelve Longevity (6) Crowns Belt and Occupations (Part 1) Are you wearing the right clothes - Life Cycle -
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Twelve Longevity (6) Crowns Belt and Occupations (Part 1) Are you wearing the right clothes

(Dr, Chen Yikui)

Today, let’s start with the crown belt, the crown and the belt. The crown generally includes clothes, and the belt is very important when the belt contains a level of many classes. It seems that if you are a senior official, what can you wear? When they can directly report to the emperor, this kind of crown that can stand in front of the emperor and report directly can definitely carry the wat and the playing board. At the time of the conferment, it was made a Duck, but in the Qing Dynasty, the prime minister was not made to a Duck. In the past, after the prime minister, he became a prime minister or a minister. But the Qing Dynasty had a very famous name Zhongtang, like Li Hongzhang-Li Zhongtang. In fact, he is retired, so if he wants to take something, he hugs it like a jade, and this is what he should wear. This is class-based, and it is just what he is taking along, it won't help him. If it can help something, it was what the Yin Yang family is doing regarded as a treasure, then people in the past will look at it differently, because he wants to be offered, so I must bless you for this thing, so I will give it to you, can have this function to protect you, but you have to support me, because I bless you, then this is a functional belt. Functional belts are generally less handed down, because they cannot be obvious. The second point is that the more functional the more he wants them. If he wants them, he will use them to the utmost extent. So you can’t have a certain treasure with real functions in your home. , some may die miserably. What we know from the standpoint of unofficial history, a night pearl with a diameter of a few centimeters, which is less than five centimeters in diameter, was dug out from the mouth of the Empress Dowager Cixi by someone from the tomb. In unofficial history, there is no record of legends. , this night pearl killed hundreds of people. Hundreds of people were killed, and a family did not know how many people, and finally they used the method of ransacking the family and exterminating the family to snatch this night pearl. Of course, it was not the Empress Dowager Cixi who ransacked the family and exterminated the family, but for the people who wanted to donate the Ye Mingzhu-night pearl to the Empress Dowager Cixi. If you think about it, this functional thing used to be a big deal, and it was something that those in power grasped too tightly.

There are many types of classes. Jade is aristocratic, and only the nobles and above have the jade that they think is the most advanced. So they have jade, so when you have seen the Dream of Red Mansions, you know why Jia Baoyu’s surname is Jia, because Baoyu was born with a jade, so he is a nobleman.

This is different for politicians in foreign countries. I talked about wearing belts, but all Chinese people have to learn from foreign countries about how to wear belts. They need to wear famous brands and what to wear. This is a kind of vanity, and it is effective or not. To become this is called vanity,

Now Taiwan's society is full of crowns and belts, and it is chaotic. Because they don't have that class, they have to pretend to be in that class. The last time I went to Shanghai, those self-employed people all wore Armani, the card was still sewn here, and the speech was still shown to you like this. It’s not that I can’t stand it, it’s this Armani. Therefore, there is no way for the crown and belt to show its true connotation now, but it used to have this connotation and became a government regulation.

Let’s talk about Guan’s clothing method. Generally speaking, our current clothes are related to your occupation, and the previous ones are related to your position. This is to wear clothes. When you go to the hospital, every doctor will have a press conference when he comes out. He came out wearing freshly washed clothes, hung the receiver next to him, and spoke plausibly for everyone to hear, because it meant that his profession was a doctor. In this way, everyone's sense of identity is very high.

Let me tell you the fact that there is a girl who is a Buddhist and applied for medical school, China Medical University. She was dressed in the clothes of a Buddhist nun, and finally applied to be an intern at National Taiwan University, and National Taiwan University agreed. In the end, she did not wear a doctor's uniform, but she must wear her nun's uniform. National Taiwan University said that I could not accept this, and she said you No human rights, because I have the qualifications, you have the qualifications to tell National Taiwan University, you did not accept our entire agreement, doctors must have a doctor's appearance, we have no objection, you wear your nun clothes outside as a nun, you If you come in, you want to be a doctor, otherwise, you don’t want to be a doctor, and she won’t be a nun in the end. Let me tell you, serving people is the most tiring thing in the world, and being supported is the most comfortable. There is no need to thank you for the good service, because you are a doctor, and the service is not good, do you have medical ethics?

What kind of occupation are you? If you don’t wear that kind of clothes, your work efficiency will be very low. Why do doctors have to wear white instead of black, because wearing white will reflect all the light? , it will not absorb light, black will absorb light, when the table color reflects all the light, the bacteria that need this light to exist cannot exist, that is to say, the possibility of carrying bacteria will be reduced. Let’s look at Americans who repair cars. They must wear jeans cloth, and there is a thick bag in the front. The bag can put tools in, why does he use jeans cloth? Absorb oil. If it comes into contact with auto repair oil, it will absorb here, and when washing it, use alkaline things to decompose it, so he has to wear work clothes like this. He can't use plastic ones. If oil drips, it will stain other people's things. If it is made of cloth, it will touch other things after it is sucked down. Other things will not be dirty, it's just dirty on him. It is a very important process. Why do the Chinese put this process, the crown and the official, and the official work together, what work do you have to do, what clothes you should wear, and of course what shoes to wear. It seems to say that if you want to run a race, you need to wear running shoes, and when you climb mountains, you need to wear hiking shoes. What kind of shoes do you want to wear? The crown of the crown belt means to wear.

Next, the material of the clothes that people wear has a relationship with the whole person, because people will classify themselves, because of what job I am in, then how I will deal with a pattern of my job. Our work is related to concepts. Our research is natural ecology. Everyone can have food and clothing, so the methods of food and clothing have their place. Sun Yat-sen’s Chinese cultural theory is to make the best use of talents. This is the traditional Chinese culture. If you know how to tell fortunes, you can do fortune-telling and psychological counselors. something, this is a characteristic of a person. The material you wear has nothing to do with what this person does, so Chinese nobles wear silk, rich farmers or businessmen must wear wool, and ordinary scholars are ordinary scholars, probably using cotton cloth. Let’s talk about slave labor. All long-term workers should wear hemp. There are several kinds of hemp. There is ramie, which is called kenaf that Taiwanese have grown before. Kenaf can be soaked in water, and can be washed to produce long-fiber silk. In the past, the hemp and these fiber silk were probably purchased by Taiwan Sugar. They went to weave them into sacks for sugar and exported them to various places abroad. Except for the hemp , There is also a kind of hemp produced in the south that is used by fishermen, called Qiongma. The good thing about Qiong Ma is that it won't rot in sea water. Qiongma is still in use now. Now we have a lot of nylon yarn, which is not necessarily better than Qiongma. Qiongma has very good benefits. After it rots and decomposes, it can actually help the natural ecology, so nylon has no way. Generally, Qiongma is used by fishermen. In the early days when there was no nylon, Qiongma was the best. It could be used to tie ropes, and the small ropes were used to tie fish nets. They were all made of very good Qiongma. So what kind of type are you? In the past, when we were on the farm, the hemp we used was kenaf. When we could tie the rope and plow the fields, the cattle used hemp. Then these are probably related to your living level relationship. So everyone, when you are a leader, the leader is noble and powerful, you might as well go to France to buy silk, it is very good to wear silk when you sleep. The more powerful you are, the more people will not pick on you, and they are willing to obey you. If you are a businessman, I suggest you try to wear wool. There are many kinds of wool. Of course, if it is too expensive, we may not be able to wear it. It depends on your ability to make money. When I first started making money, I wore wool. The wool was relatively low-grade. If I made more money, I would buy higher-end wool. When you are a student or an ordinary service worker, you must use cloth, which is relatively non-essential, but you must abide by your principles, and you are relatively non-essential, so why are many people living in pain now, because they have to be beautiful , to wear imitation, nylon, what kind of results will be produced after this, and they can't get what they want, so it is very painful, this is a relative.

Besides, there are many people who wear leather. Generally, those who wear leather are fighting and hunting outside. Those who kill pigs, cattle and sheep, who want to wear leather, will earn a lot of money. This is good, because each kind of level of work is different, so the clothes are different.

Let’s talk about belts. This is a big university question. How big is it? You have no way to think, this is the most complicated word, sometimes bring a kind of disaster, bring something or what kind of belt, the most famous era is the boxer, in order to protect himself, they believed that they were protecting their own country, and the Boxers themselves did not recognize the existence of all foreigners' gods. They believed that gods were their own gods. What kind of gods are they? He treated the legends of ancestors like the novels written by Jin Yong, and treated the novels seriously, so they developed their religious thoughts. Later, the Beiyang government set up things like the Boxer Regiment as after the former White Lotus Sect, and when the Beiyang government collapsed, it became the national government, and the national government inherited the Beiyang government.

So in fact, Chinese culture is all about family education, not social education. Our social education is a hooligan culture. We are really the most successful. The most successful education in China is family education. When people want to inquire, the first thing to inquire about is the mother's education, which is family tutoring. Your family education is not good, it is best not to talk about this kind of marriage, this is the mother's belt,

Disclaimer: The food or vitamins mentioned in this article are all suggestions and do not have medical or therapeutic effects. Please refer to them yourself.
