Bless incense introduction - Energy/Power -
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Bless incense introduction

(Dr.Chen Yikui)

The origin of bless incense

Several fragrant wood formulations at 18 degrees latitude (18 degrees south-north) are made of six grasses with no added chemical composition.

Bless incense is the prescription of incense, there are monarchs, clerics, advisors, ambassadors, soldiers and officials.

Using several kinds of incense in Vietnam ..., and Nepali crocus pedicle (officials). 

The use of Bless incense 

Bless incense is for people to smell. The aroma generated when burning incense resonates with the two veins of man and his head, increasing sensitivity to things. On incense  everyday at work, or when you think you need the energy most, at the same time purify the atmosphere around you. 

Practice meditation with bless incense, have good meditation effect. 

Collect the bless incense ash with the bottle, you can use it in urgency .

( can use for bad stomach situation when happens, or stop bleeding when get cut.)

Reuse of ash—

Add a little ash in the kettle at home, or drink it outside. 

Put 3-5 bless incense leftover head and boil with water to drink.

( because incense has some herbs in it, benefit health.) 

House sale, you can light the bless incense in the house you want to buy or sell, one can purify the magnetic field inside, you can also sincerely talk to the god of land, or the gods you believe in to pray, that hope you can encounter destined homeowners as soon as possible . 

Bless incense seat, you can also carry it with you.  Crafted, nine different sizes holes, can be used in different thickness, the seat contains a variety of minerals, can wear it to exorcise evil spirits.
