The relationship between the treatment of evil spirits and food nutrition - Nutritious -
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The relationship between the treatment of evil spirits and food nutrition

(Dr. Chen Yi Kui)

Question: How do people deal with evil? What food should eat?

A: I don't know how high is the bewitched is. Some of them have a high degree of bewitched. The daring performance of others, it is difficult. This is the first practice of Western medicine. First, let the real calming agent be very big, calm it down and adjust it. The general bewitched is called the fear of intimidation and invisible pressure. Give him nutritious and balanced food. Carrying a VAAA with him should be solved.  

For an introduction to VAAA, please see: Life Nuclear Energy Transfer Zhu VAAA, Creating Peace and Happiness

Generally, people who are easy to be evil are related to the head. There are several kinds of nutrition in our head. One important thing is that the general food is a little higher, such as a higher choline and a higher folic acid. Why is the idea of ​​the Taiwanese mind so chaotic, not supporting him in the end, and opposing him to the end. How do we say that? There is a problem with the head, the lack of folic acid, the food that supplies the mind has GK, the mind is not clear, he thinks everything he think is right, what other thinks it is wrong, he will think it is right, he lacks two kinds, lacks folic acid and lacks B12, he will be very prejudiced, and there is no way you can imagine. People in Tibet do not eat fish, prejudice. Tourists go to Tibet to eat Tibetan fish. Why don’t local people eat fish? They believe that Buddhism's Tantric Buddhism has two kinds of funeral methods, one kind of water burial, one kind of celestial burial. After the water funeral rots, the fish must eat it. They think that the fish is an animal with human life, so you can't eat fish. They also lack folic acid, why? There are no bok choy, spinach and sweet potato leaves in Tibet, because folic acid must be found in the green vegetable leaves, otherwise there is no folic acid at all! They did not supply folic acid. There is no water spinach in the Middle East, but there are sweet potato leaves to eat.

Because of the law, Western technology has evolved from religion. China’s theory comes from the natural ecology of Yijing. Their religion does not say that they have eaten folic acid, so vitamins can be easily bought and eaten, only folic acid need the signature of the doctor, then you can eat more than 0.4mg. Really want to be very open-minded, more optimistic, your day's folic acid should have at least 5mg, about two pounds of spinach, or a pound of sweet potato leaves. Why do western medicine say that doctors are required to eat 1mg because it is synthetic.

Disclaimer : The foods or vitamins mentioned in this article are all suggestions for providing advice. They do not have medical and therapeutic effects. Please refer by themselves.
