Physiological diet (2) Gallbladder, liver - Nutritious -
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Physiological diet (2) Gallbladder, liver

(Dr. Chen Yi Kui)

The organs on the human body are very interesting, and they are all corresponding. The organs have gall, small intestine, stomach, large intestine, bladder, and uterus. I often say that there are six organs in the organs. Chinese people often combine these two. The uterus is related to the ovary, so the Chinese combine the ovary with the kidney. So when you have problems with your ovaries, Chinese medicine says that you have kidney failure, or kidney deficiency, or kidney deficiency. This is how you deal with it. Therefore, women have to deal with women's diseases. Chinese medicine is different from western medicine. Western medicine needs hormones to treat women's diseases. You need hormones for contraception. You also need hormones if you want to get pregnant. You also need hormones for menopause. Chinese medicine uses the food peony. Now everyone is talking about plant hormones. In fact, they are not. It is a kind of sugar structure in order to balance your hormones. I used to study this aspect quite well. For women who feel cold, take peony, just add peony to Siwu Decoction, and use diet therapy.

Gallbladder is mainly to contain bile, proper bile, when you eat, you can squeeze it down. The bile will only be squeezed out when the bile is strong. When the bile is squeezed out, you have to neutralize the stomach acid and stir it with the small intestine to produce a lot of amino acids for the small intestine to absorb, and you will have nutrition. But to be very complete, you must first supply very complete fatty acids. So many people of my mother’s generation are vegetarians in the morning and don’t like to eat oil. In the past, many wives in the family used hot dishes. After blanching, they used salt water or soy sauce instead of oil at all. It’s easy to eat like this for a long time. It will have gallstones, and if you cut it off, you will have no gallbladder. So I have observed a lot. People who take moderate amounts of oil probably don't have gallstones. So when you are vegetarian, you can eat butter, you must eat it. Because you must supply enough fatty acids, your gall is strong. If the gall is not strong, the bile secreted by the liver will penetrate slowly, and it will not gather the whole bunch, and it will come down to the duodenum of your digestive system and squeeze this thing out, the bile that comes out tick-tack is not good.

Another very important thing is the liver in our body. If the liver cannot produce some enzymes, it cannot let the gallbladder help the stomach produce gastric acid, then the minerals you eat cannot be decomposed by gastric acid. Although you still have a little bit of bile, the bile is not enough. When it comes to the small intestine, the minerals cannot be absorbed, and when you eat again, it cannot be absorbed. When it reaches the large intestine, the large intestine absorbs all its moisture, if nothing else is absorbed, it will become constipated. So many people have constipation. He said it was his physique, but in fact, he didn't eat oil. People who are vegetarians must eat really good butter. Artificial butter is not good. Butter with rice is very fragrant. It is so fragrant if you mix hot rice with butter!

Bile is related to fat. Eat more oil, but whether the oil you eat depends on how you eat it and how good it is. The best way is to eat good butter. This is the experience of my research for so many years. The oil my mother eats is pig net western oil. The soy sauce drips with pork lard with rice. People who often suffer from constipation are related to gallbladder. If this way of eating is difficult, I have braised pork rice now. Ask the boss to pour the oil on it for me.

The fatty acids used for gallbladder use lard. If you don’t eat lard, you can drink milk and butter if you are vegetarian. Cheese does not contain much oil. Cheese contains protein and minerals. It removes the water in milk and coagulates the protein. The lactic acid bacteria in it are used to produce acid. That is cheese, which is different from butter. So this is a kind of knowledge.

So you don’t underestimate a gall. The gall is actually useless by itself. It really acts on the bile, but it has no effect. The effect of the bile comes from the gall. When you supply fatty acids, your gall can has an effect. Fatty acids have this effect when they pass through the liver to produce bile. Therefore, people who are very frugal accept the leftovers very much. I don't want to throw them away and eat them all the time. This gall is either a stone or a constipation. Many traditional women do.

What does this gall have to do with the small intestine? In TCM theory, bile belongs to wood, small intestine belongs to fire, and wood makes fire. When the fire in the small intestine is quite peristaltic, bile must flow in and mix with things coming down from the stomach. The duodenum is the best if it passes. If the bile is not very good, the absorption of the small intestine will be uneven, and this person will suffer from all kinds of diseases because the small intestine does not have this nutrition.

Disclaimer: The foods and vitamins mentioned in this article are for advice and do not have medicinal effects such as medical treatment and disease treatment. Please refer to it yourself.
