Yang house General Theory (9) Doorways, Toilets, and The life Gua - I Ching -
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Yang house General Theory (9) Doorways, Toilets, and The life Gua

(Dr.Chen Yikui)

The choice of hour

The moment a person's life enters the house you want to live in, it means that the life of the house has begun. Dr. Chen Yikui said that buying a house should consider whether it is new or old. What is the reason for selling the old house? If they are in debt and want to sell a house, why did the owner buy the house before? It must have earned money to buy this house. Now that it has become a liability after entering this house, it means that the house is not a good house and will be in debt.

Dr. Chen Yikui’s opinion is that renting a house to rent a new house can avoid unnecessary trouble. If you have to live in an old house, you should first look at the door to match your own life Gua? This is a prerequisite, because the internal space can be adjusted, but the door is not easy to change. Before entering an old house, you must first remove the helium with a sampan and then use the eight-character birth chart to select a good hour to move in. If you don’t know how to choose a good hour with reading the birth chart, then choose to move in on Sunday. Why is Sunday set in the world? In the seven days on the Book of Changes, these words are repeated to show that the seventh day is the best space and time.

One of the most important things to learn about Yang House is first to know that your life Gua is. Before you buy a house or rent a house, you must first know that the door is incompatible with your life Gua. If it compatible, you can live in it. In the old house, go clean it and remove the suffocation. Then pick a good time to move in. This is the most important lesson of Yangzhai. What is very bad is that many people have already bought a house. Then they use the map of the house to ask if the house is incompatible with him. If it is not, can you throw away the house?

In the application of Yangzhai, the woman is neutral. If she does not have any relationship with the opposite sex, she will still have a fate. If she has already had a child, her life will become the same as that of the husband. Even if the gentleman is not at home, he must use husband’s Gua. Dr. Chen Yikui said that in the past, there were students who had chosen a room. On one side was Qian, the other side is Kan. Put the bed in the middle and then separated it with a plywood. The West Four Life was sleeping in Qian place. East four life sleep at Kan side, Dr. Chen Yikui said to the students that you will be finished soon after you go on such a way, and it is really less than five years end up with a divorce.

Dr. Chen Yikui emphasized that this kind of learning must not be taken as absolute. It is only a model that affects people. Some people advocate that the bed should be dominated by the wife, because Mr. Chen’s stay in bed is relatively short. Dr. Chen Yikui said that it does not matter. As long as you are healthy, there are no problems. If you are unhealthy, it will not be useful to move the seat. In addition, there is a student whose family is very large. One day, the student must have Dr. Chen Yikui go to his house to look at his house and eat a meal. Dr. Chen Yikui could not stand it right after he walked in. He was born in the East four group. He superimposed the beds of all the children of the East four family in a good position. The big house had the bedplates of the three children. Like the pyramids, each person is on the same floor in one good position. Seeing that,  Dr. Chen Yikui could not eat at all, the students asked why Dr. Chen Yikui had eaten so little? Dr. Chen Yikui said that I was full, because I couldn’t believe that my students were so incredible.

As long as the feng shui have a focus point, the house is considered to be alive, and the door to the right indicates that it breathes very well. That's all right. Once you put the toilet seat (toilet) right, the person will not be constipated. Enough, no longer need to control the bed. Some people need to move the bed one by one every time they go to bed, so many cases like this. The problem with the Chinese is that there are 100 people moving beds. Only one happens to succeed. He only talks about this one that happens to be a successful example to others. The other ninety-nine invalid words are not mentioned. Foreigners will also mention about failing cases. Say it out, how to do it will be very successful will also speak it out. As a result, people who were originally not so bad are more frustrated when they look for a feng shui master. This kind of thing is often there, so Dr. Chen Yikui does not really like to look at other people’s feng shui. If one is convinced, but is ignorant, you cannot tell him where is not good, otherwise he will knock down bad places the next day. When you are already a famous feng shui master, you just say that there is a place that is not very good. The next day he will knock that place out. People who believe FengShui very much will look like this. If this is the case, wouldn’t the feng shui master really sure that the place must be bad? In fact it is impossible. So look at feng shui to remember a key point, the door is breathing, the toilet is the digestive system, you can eat it and be able to solve it, you can't say that you can't eat anything, it is a dead end, in the past in teaching 8 killing water The emphasis is on the toilet,if it cannot come out , must be 9 killing water..

Living environment and people

The role of door and door is discussed in terms of 卦Gua , that is Gia’s line change method, it can come out with eight different situation, because one Gua has three lines, upper Gua and lower Gua , three line. Therefore, there are only eight kinds of phenomena when comparing one up and down. This must be compared with the life of the person who lives in. However, it is not compared with all the people. The leader of the comparison is the target, and it is better to be the leader of the male. People, some people will ask how to do gay? It is necessary to take into account the role of protein, homosexuals are best to be with the same fate family, East life is to find East life , and West life is to find the West’s life. This is Dr. Chen Yikui’s over 40 years of experience in dealing with this issue. Twenty years ago, a homosexual boy came out and said that he was homosexual. He had to win social recognition and make fund-raising activities. He was successful after he had found a male partner of the same life series through the guidance of Dr. Chen Yikui, but later changed the companion of the different life series to collapse. Dr. Chen Yikui's research is pervasive and omnipotent. Dr. Chen Yikui said that this culture is so beautiful that anything can be studied. Before the children's deciduous teeth were lost, they were used as resonance to make the children grow taller or shorter. Later, no parents would like to take deciduous teeth, so you can only use your own son. The result is really tall and grows to 195 cm in height. It is the highest of the more than 200 people in Dr. Chen Yikui's family. Someone in the family asked why children are so tall? Dr. Chen Yikui said that the deciduous teeth were buried in a well-designed feng shui land and none of the listeners believed that, Dr. Chen Yikui would say it once again in a way that everyone thought is reasonable. Dr. Chen Yikui said that children in Canada drink milk. Drinking milk like water water, in fact, drinking milk as water is also a fact, but it is not necessarily related to growth. When they listened to it, they thought it was reasonable. As a result, a child in the family did the same thing drinking milk, drink for 11 years not growing taller. Only 172 cm or so. This deciduous tooth must be naturally effective. It must not be unplugged. Just like immature seeds, it will surely rot. This is called natural law. It must come into play when it is mature. Taiwanese people like to eat immature and chickens like to eat broilers. This is a question of concept.

Natural law is very important. It also has cycles. The cycle has already taken place. Some people ask if Taiwan will sink. Dr. Chen Yikui said that at present it will not be. Taiwan is still growing and it will only begin to sink after it reaches the peak. This is natural law. The Netherlands is reclamation and land-building. A few years ago, they organized an architectural seminar and made an announcement that they would publish a law from 2050. Their houses should be able to keep up with the tides. This is in response to the greenhouse. The water level rise caused by the effect is pre-prepared. It is a remarkable practice. This is in conformity with the natural law. It no longer emphasizes the practice of conquering the heavens. Can anyone really win the heavens? The same is true of our feng shui. Do not think of the old ideas of appointing dragons. It will suffice to have fun, longevity, is enough for feng shui to study in the future, and prevent unfavorable events in the future. There are a few words in the gloom of the yin house that you want to be the prince to be buried by me. You want to be the thief's head i will help to buried you.

Qing Daoguang Period was the place where most of the world’s thieves lived. This was related to Feng Shui. In the fifteenth century, the Netherlands was a piracy country. After they built windmills to develop agricultural greenhouses, they changed from piracy countries to the most famous countries in flowers. If we look at the definition of the princely, we can find that people who are living, healthy and dignified can be called kings. No matter what the king is, it is not necessary to confine it to the narrow range of the nation’s royal family and nobles. Wang is not really a prince, but an adjective in Feng Shui. As a result, this kind of feng shui is worth studying. How do you study? We think what the previous people think that it is good. After our experiment, it is really effective. After we have used it, we will study it better and we will do it better. So Dr. Chen Yikui talks about the bad part of feng shui. Remove it to prevent the bad from harming people. This is prevention from the source, just as it does not let you know where to get the drugs. If you know how to get drugs, you will want to try them. Once you try them, you will become addicted and you will be very addicted to doing bad things. So it's not good. Do not teach it.

After watching the door and looking at the kitchen, the kitchen must not be messy so as to avoid becoming armpits. Now the kitchens use gas stoves. When the cooking fumes are not done properly, the grease will stick to the kitchen and it will attract you. Therefore, the exhaust system must be properly prepared. Before turn on the fire, we must first open the hood to let the air circulate, at the same time take away the carbon dioxide and keep the kitchen clean. Feng Shui is such a simple matter. It is everyone to make Feng Shui so difficult.

Americans believe that human living floors should not be above 28th floor. There is an influence of airflow on too high floors, as well as the influence of geomagnetism. The human body must be in resonance with the quality of the earth to be healthy. The plants are long and lush. In areas with strong air flow, the plants are not growing well. The mountains like Yushan do not see trees. You can see beautiful trees on the mountainside of Alishan. This is the same theory as feng shui. It is too low is not good either. A tree in Hunan has a area with very tall trees. It is not good to go in, because it is surrounded by too much helium. When enter in, will die. The monkeys will live on the tree. When the plants do not see light, they must breathe. The following are all carbon dioxide, so air is an important part of feng shui.
