Calendar study - I Ching -
Word class:

Calendar study

(Dr. Chen Yi Kui

Q: What are the principles for setting the Jiazi Year?

Answer: This item is called periodical setting. The set of Jiazi Year is set from the time of the Huangdi Cangjie. There is no rule set for the Jiazi Year, which was set by Huang Di during the founding of the country. Jiazi has now More than 70 dozen sub-circulations are now the seventy-nine cycle years of Jiazi, and the establishment of Jiazi Day is also the same. In the Yellow Emperor era, the month with the shortest day and the longest night was designated as the Zi month. The shorter day of the day is at the winter solstice. When the winter solstice of the Zi month of the Yellow Emperor era is JiaZi Day, this way has been repeated until today.

Question: For example, with the Earth’s revolution setting the beginning of spring on March 21 and 22, the summer solstice is June 21, 22, autumn is divided into September 23, and the winter solstice is December 21 and 22, and the setting of the 24th solar terms? What is the proof of the Heavenly stem and earthly Branch of the first month?

A: The winter solstice must be on the 22nd. Why must the winter solstice point be on the 22nd of the Gregorian calendar? Because at that time the solar terms were divided from the Yellow Emperor to the Zhou Dynasty using the winter solstice point as the standard point. It must be the day of December 22, so it is called the winter solstice and the yang start from that point. The Zhou dynasty also used the winter solstice as the standard point. The cadres of the first month are the result of the Jiazi cycle. And because the following of the month of Jiazi must be the month of Yi Chou, and so it will continue to circulate.

Q: How is the five-day rattle setting?

A: The five rats setting does not work for day stem and branch. There only hurly stem and branch can set in this way. The month stem and branch can also be set. The Day stem and branch must be calculated, so the Five Rats setting can't do the day only for month and hour.
