I Ching Principles (2) - I Ching -
Word class:

I Ching Principles (2)

(Dr.Chen Yikui)

The 24 solar terms were already set during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods. In the Ming Dynasty, they were ruled by the emperor's rules. Then the 24 solar terms began from the beginning of spring, the spring rain shocked the spring and the valley, which was the beginning of spring, rain water, the Waking of Insects, spring equinox, Pure Brightness-Qingming, and Grian rain- Gu Yu. Six solar terms equal one season called spring, and this spring is called Meng Zhong Ji. When many painters made the final writing, my painting was the year of Ji Chun, such as Jia Zi Nian Ji Chun. Month is Yin Mao Chen. He does not write Yin Yue painting, but writes a Meng Chun painting, in fact Yin Yue painting. It can be seen that there was a knot in the past. He thought that Yin month was a fortune-telling warlock, because they was using Zi Chou Yin Mao..to tell fortune. I am a big painter, how can I not learn well?

After spring, are Xia Mam Mang Xia which are the beginning of summer and  Lesser Fullness of Grain, Grain in Beard, the Summer Solstice, Less Heat, and Greater Heat, these are SI Wu Wei months, that set them into.

So many people combine 24 solar terms with hexagrams and write the monthly order and solar terms together. People will think that the compasses put the entire astronomy and geography together. In fact, it is not have astronomy and geography in the compass. It is people who put astronomy and geography on the compass.

The autumn and winter frosts fall, and the beginning of autumn, the end of Heat, white dew, autumnal equinox, cold dew, and frost fall are Shen You Xu months.

Winter snow snow winter cold and cold,the Beginning of Winter, lesser snow, greater snow, winter solstice, lesser cold, greater cold, Hai Zi Chou months. Therefore, it is necessary to make up for the winter, starting from the Hai month, and then the winter solstice of the sub-month, the winter solstice must be in the sub-month, and the lesser cold and greater cold is Chou month. So why is the coldest month in Taiwan in January is Xiaohan-lesser cold, and Dahan-greater cold, both in January. So after January 5th Taiwan started to get cold. Xiaohan and Dahan are at that time.
