I Ching Principles (5) - I Ching -
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I Ching Principles (5)

(Dr.Chen Yikui)

Se and Kung, everyone talks about Se and Kung Han Buddhism, but the true Tibetan transmission does not. So why does Chinese Buddhism talk about color and emptiness? It is the number of births and multipliers in the Chinese Book of Changes to make decisions. The birth number is empty, and the multiplier is colored to make a decision. The color is the meaning of seeing. The minimum number of multipliers is 6. The 6 represents the Yin, the 9 is the maximum of the multiplier, and 9 is set to be yang. Finally, many people who study Feng Shui, including those who study the whole hexagram, especially those who study Feng Shui, use the number 9 or 6 to enter the yin and yang school, because the anode is 9, and the Qian Gua is the pole of the Yang. So it is 9. After settling, it was only necessary to set off trigrams, and a number was generated.

Se and kung were actually talked about by later people. I think it was after the introduction of Buddhism from the Han Dynasty that the people of the Han Dynasty were influenced by the politics of those days. There were so many schools and only one Confucian school, so the Han Dynasty only left Confucian schools. Then rest of school will not be in high rank, and only one out of 18 are left. What about those? It must be attached to the foreign culture. At that time, the foreign culture was the Buddhist family, so it became its own family. The Buddhism thought of Taoism, because Taoism thought encloses the periodic thoughts in the Book of Changes. It also accepted Confucianism there. Now about 70% of Han Buddhism is Confucianism, and Confucianism is the same as Buddhism.

All nuns and monks in Han Buddhism cannot marry or have sex, because Confucianism also has this way, because men and women are together, and men and women were taught not to be close. If they are taught these wat about  men and women, they must formulate a ceremony. When men and women want to be together, they become married, which is equivalent to the etiquette of marriage, which becomes control. There are only two kinds of people. When you are in control, you are very good at controlling food and sex. Master Confucius said that controlling food and sex would stabilize the world. Mao Zedong used it like this during the Cultural Revolution. Why? During the Cultural Revolution, there were no thieves and no robbers. The law and order were good. If I was allocated half a kilogram of rice, if I had more than four ounces of rice, Either robe or they were stolen. The neighbor next door immediately reported it. After you reported it, you could get two ounces of bonuses, so no one dared to steal or grab.

The I Ching itself, in fact, was slowly assembled using the cultural logic of many tribes. This number in China was used in the Qing Dynasty. In my grandfather's time, it was used to keep accounts. It costs 17 yuan for 一十七 yuan, and it was used in my grandfather's time. After the arrival of Japan in Japan, he gradually wrote 12345 from elementary school training. He forbids you to learn this thing in elementary school. This thing must have this thing in Sinology, and it gradually changes into Arabic numbers. We all think of it as Arabic numerals, and in fact it is Indian words.

This one came out of this faction. When it came out, there were yin and yang. After the faction of numbers came out, it was Fuxi who drew the hexagram. Fuxi drew the hexagram for survival. I would like to ask you, what do you see when you sit on the ground? See earthworms. Because if you sit on the ground and see earthworms, the ground must be wet, because you cannot sit.

Therefore, history books in China probably deceive and express, praising their own abilities. Everyone thinks about themselves. Everyone in the world has no justice at all. They all go for bigger part of watermelons, including the United States, including any country. This is certain. Let ’s discuss the records of the leaders on both sides of the strait. The earliest records of the entire folk rumors of Chiang Kai-shek were made in 1926 (15), in all areas of Shanghai, south of the Yangtze River, Guangdong, Guangzhou and Guangxi. It is believed that Chiang Kai-shek was a tortoise of the Kunlun Mountains who practiced for 6,000 years and was born to save China. The whole of China is occupied by various powers in the world. After the Opium War, five ports of commerce were opened, such as Xiamen, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, and Tongtong. Finally, Hong Kong leased too much. Too much of this will also bring cultural shock. The British refer to the Chinese as the Cantonese, so when they go abroad, especially the British Empire, they now agree with China or Chinese, but they did not agree with them before. They used to say that the Manchurians were really Chinese and they used Mandarin. We ourselves are like this. The Republic of China has always thought that we were orthodox. Because we received the same tradition from Manqing, we moved everything from the Palace Museum to Taiwan and placed it in WaiShuangxi of Taipei.

Talking about a process in the whole history, so when the methods are different, it will learn from each other in the future. This Yijing is the same, then you can use the tribal good to learn, if you accept others good, it will be strong, because what you know,I will know, but you do not know but I know,, then I will eat you up.

I Ching combines mathematics and physics, and finally combines images. The number is 1234. In fact, the number is a very simple problem. At the end make it very complicated.

So why do numbers complicate it? Hetu Luoshu 1 and 6 were the water, and the final Hetu Luoshu was like 12345678910. Study until the face is dark. Hetu Luoshu talked about that number for three thousand years. The theory is Yin and Yang. In the end, an image was involved in the Book of Changes. After the image was developed, sounds and words were developed.

The condensed type used in mainland China is in cursive, and we are real Chinese characters. This image finally came to the text, so some people say that the Chinese characters originate from the principle of the Yijing. In fact, it is not, because there are pictographs first, and then it is summarized in Yijing. It is not that there are pictographs in Yijing. When it is summarized in the last divination, the logic of its induction is very broad, like Qian Gua, it is summarized as a horse in animals, and Kun Gua is summarized as a cow. An inductive method of trigram, Qian as heaven, Kun as ground, Qian as horse, and Kun as cattle. By the time of the Compass, the congenital trigram is south, Bing Wu Ding is a horse, the north is Ren Zi Gui Chou, and the north is 1, is Kan, it is like this way of setting.
