I Ching Principles (10) - I Ching -
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I Ching Principles (10)

(Dr.Chen Yikui)

The entire structure of the I Ching itself starts with materialism and then explains new theories according to materialist theories. Can it be explain? Can explain thoroughly. You see that the highest realm of materialism is astronomy, how could you say that? Only materialism itself produces mathematics. Formulas will only be generated in mathematics. Astronomy is astronomy. The entire calculation of astronomy must return to mathematics. In addition to the return of mathematics to astronomy, it must also go to the principle of materialism and the theory of materialism. Call it the Ideal Number to cover it, and it can be used on both sides. Where do you see it from?

The whole of astronomy has a period. When the 921 earthquake occurred that year, the height of the entire fault differed by a maximum of five meters, and the entire crust was five meters high. If our floor is only three meters high, five meters is more than one floor. A little taller, how can the house not collapse, the house must fall down within five meters. Then on a periodic fault, the entire physics, geology, etc. are used to discuss the time that the fault occurs, including its period. We infer that the entire cycle of the Taiwan earthquake zone has a range that is probably not absolute. The cycle before the big earthquake was about seventy years. The big earthquake in Hsinchu area, followed by the Yunjia Plain earthquake, and then the Baihe earthquake, every place has a cycle.

Someone was studying these things before, and one of the very famous Zhang Heng used the seismograph. He used Octagon, which is very general. At that time, he could not specify that point, using 45 degrees. A bit off can cause different, but still can be accurate.

How big is China's Yijing itself? Octagon. Isn’t it the entire earth and universe? This way we came here, and we came to the idealistic theory. The materialistic theory here covers all directions, covers the universe, and covers the entire astronomy. Big, relative!

Speaking of material is relative to empty, and yin and yang are also relative! This is the entire meaning of the Book of Changes.

After the cycle is produced, reincarnation theory occurs. So there are seven days to get it again in the I Ching, and there are also seven days to repeat in the Zhou Yi. It ’s DiLei Fu, so a cycle of repeat in seven days is used in the entire month. The DiLeiDu is the winter solstice. When the winter solstice arrives, it is the DiLeiFu. It is the winter solstice and the sun is born. The second is DiZeLing. It's rain water. The third is the vernal equinox, the third Yai Spring vernal equinox is TianDiTai, so after the vernal equinox, it is Sanyang Kaitai, and the rain is within 15 days after the beginning of the spring. This is about the lunar year in China, so it is all during the lunar year. Talk about Sanyang Kaitai and Ditiantai. Well, this is what Zhou Yigua talked about. It puts materialism and idealism together, astronomy!

The entire 24 solar terms is an astronomical effect produced by the earth around the sun, and it is used in the entire Yijing. The explanation seems to be logical. Fifteen days after the spring, Sanyang Kaitai, and then fifteen days later, it will be JingZhe-the Waking of Insects. It is written in the song of a farmer's house in Zheng Banqiao: "After the rain and thunder stings after JingZhe, the wind moves the earth, and the fathers and elders urge you to work early.”

After JingZhe, he is going to farm, and everything is prosperous, which is the real spring. I use this theory. Before I went to the army, because I am a farmer, I started to study a lot of things and found the definition of the entire flowering of Cruciferae. I checked a lot of information and found that there is a kind of radish in Taiwan. It is called a plum species. When the temperature is below 14 degrees Celsius, it will bloom and germinate and yellow after seven consecutive days. I immediately relied on many relationships to help. The Central Meteorological Bureau was called the Meteorological Observatory at that time, and transferred all the data from the Japanese in Japanese occupation era. When I said it would be below 14 degrees Celsius in the northern part of Taiwan for three to five consecutive days, when it would stop. His reply to me is March 22, when the north is close to Qingming after the spring equinox, the temperature will not drop to 14 degrees Celsius when it is high. I used this principle to plant radishes, because the radishes can be harvested after two months of growth. When the weather in Taiwan is hot, when there were no radishes in Taiwan in 1950 (forty years of the Republic of China), only I had radishes. What a miracle! Jiang Yanshi, who was working in the Agricultural Rehabilitation Association at the time, came to Taoyuan in a jeep helped by the US military. The Agricultural Rehabilitation Association was an American institution at the time, and Jiang Yanshi was invited. I will explain this principle. He believes that it is because of this experience that he was able to work as an instructor in the Taoyuan County Farmers' Association.

It can be seen that after you have understood all these things, why do people feel so painful? Self-abuse. Therefore, we have knowledge and standards and understand ourselves in all aspects. We are all self-abuse, unhappy people, the first one is imbalanced in nutrition, the doctor said you ca n’t eat salt, the second you ca n’t eat eggs, the doctor said too much cholesterol, can’t eat oil, can’t eat anything, you’re done. ! You are sick. Because we humans coexist with the universe, what the universe has, we need what earth have. The earth contains all minerals, and our bodies must be able to coexist with the earth and coexist with this environment. So if the environment is barren, then you will be barren.

The yin and yang of the Yi jing can always be interchanged, and will continue to move forward. You are completely materialistic or completely idealistic. Confucius Laozi completely talks about idealism, all talking about only the villain and the woman are difficult. At the end he was raised by these two people. Confucius' teaching fee is always given by villains, because the villains want to win a title. I am a student of the old master! Those who can read books can't afford the fee, such an excellent student as YanHue was very poor and had no money to gave, and finally starved to death.

If we study the I Ching thoroughly, it should be one-sided materialism, one-sided idealism, and the idealist materialism again. This way has been exchanged, so that is the principle of Yijing. Therefore, the materialism and the idealism of the Yijing cannot be cut apart with a knife, and the yin and yang cannot be separated. The difficulty of the Yijing is here, so how do you judge whether this is yin or yang? Some look at the appearance, some look at the movement.

When I was working in Shenlingshen, I was very tired at that time, and some people were often driven away by me. I didn’t even need his consultation fee. He was driven back by me from the south. He said that Mr. Chen I come from Chiayi, I said that no matter where you come from, if you don’t follow my principles, I won’t read it. Come in and ask me to see if his life is good? I said that I am not a fortune teller. I said you go back and the consulting fee is refunded. Because I abide by my principles, I don’t want to talk about his life in order to make money. Everyone will come to me for fortune telling later on. What is your difficulties, ask me how to deal with and solve the problem, that is, come to me if you have difficulties, don't come to me if you just want to do fortune telling.
