Yang House (8) Door, Door, Stove, Stove - I Ching -
Word class:

Yang House (8) Door, Door, Stove, Stove

(Dr.Chen Yikui)

In general, when the compass is using, it is more important to check the door location, door facing, stove facing, stove location and bed. Fifty years ago, we should look at the God alter. Where should the shrine be placed, because now under the influence of Mao Zedong, God has been shot, so now his position is no longer necessary, because now small families buy an apartment directly, and some people buy a small suite. Only 12.5 pings, and then for a god seat, God table, then people will sleep under the god table, there is no place.

Door location

The entire fixed position of the door position. At the fixed position of the Ming position, the compass should be placed in the middle of the entire courtyard. According to this theory, the fixed position of your door position is the center point within your range. The door was in that position.

It seems that our door is there, and our entire house is square, including the back of the house and the toilet. After you draw the picture, or you have the ability to see where the center point is, measure the position of the door from the center point, where The red line is in the northeast, the northwest ... at the first sight your door is there.

Door direction

The public facilities outside are not counted, so the way to use the compass is now used to teach the principle of Tai Sui location. Standing at the center point on the floor plan to measure that position, when you look at the door, The inside of the door, the point where the door goes out perpendicularly, and seeing the line pressing in the northeast or northwest, this is called the door direction.

Stove position

Then the stove position (kitchen) is the same as the door position. You must stand at the center of the space used in your building to measure the position of the stove. Do n’t face whatever face. The purpose is to use your tools. Your face must be toward the compass, you will know if the compass is right.

Stove direction

The stove direction system is exactly the opposite of the door direction. You cannot run to the inside of the stove to measure it, so standing face to the stove, then the same line perpendicular to the plane of the stove, you need to see the side of the stove, then stove direction will be where.

Bed location
The view of the bed is the same as that of the door. If you are in the country and everyone thinks that they have not worshiped God and they are uncomfortable, then you have a god for it, then I don’t object to it, because your spiritual philosophy of life must be needed, just like the leaders and presidents mentioned in the 51st and 52nd years of the Republic of China, immediately stand upright, if not, the instructor immediately asks you and punish you.

If without having a god in your mind and mentality, you don't dare to live at home, because God has not blessed me. Then if you have a god, you live and sleep peacefully, it ’s very healthy, and I will have a way to work tomorrow, indicating that God is blessed. If you have this kind of mentality and mentality, don’t destroy it It, you destroy it, when you read Feng Shui right, but people are wrong. This won't work, do you know that?

The earliest design of Feng Shui itself was a matter of human physiology. After the concept of religion itself came in, psychological resonance was established. Therefore, according to my research, God itself is actually not blessed, but if you live by God, Then if you remove God, it will not live, so it doesn't make sense to look at Feng Shui. If he is devout to have a god, I can tell you very frankly that we cannot oppose others. If you do, your feng shui will not work. Because he has a psychologically resistive effect.

These positions (door position, stove position) are statistical logic, because at the point where each person is born, an electromagnetic wave generated by the entire human body, the electromagnetic wave combined on the entire human body, there is no such instrument, but a general classification method to follow this kind of induction is external.

It seems like doing a career, taking advantage of the road, running for election. The stove direction and the stove position are healthy. Both the health and the outside have mutual effects, and the health has a relationship with the outside.

When you are unhealthy, although you are outside everyone take care of you and still cannot do it, you are in a good position but can't do anything about it. In your position, you have to manage 100 people. It ’s bad , you can’t stand it for two hours at work, so the people below you can’t manage it. Although you have so many people outside to take care of you, you have no choice but nothing.

Therefore, Feng Shui itself must have a connection with each other and a theory that connects with this. You should not separate it. Many people see Feng Shui as a separate person.
