The genetic structure of Bazi (2) - I Ching -
Word class:

The genetic structure of Bazi (2)

(Dr. Chen Yikui)

Talking about the gene structure of these 22 characters, ten stems:  Jia, Yi, Bing, Ding, Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, Gui, twelve earthly branches: Zi Chou Yin, Mao Chen, Si Wu Wei Shen You Xu Hai, in the structure of these 22 genes, often a certain individual on a certain day, he was in extreme prosperous. Then some people had too much something, too much Jia, too much Yi, too much Xin, too much You, and a lot of everything, so he had a lot of fantasies and couldn't concentrate on it. If there is a person’s horoscope, he was born in Ji You year or Ji Wei year, many of them are not very good. In the process, we encounter Wei month You month, and another Wei hour, Xin Wei or Yi You day In the case of Gui Wei month, from this point of view on the eight characters, Yi was born in Wei month, which is too hot. There is a Xin rooted in You. Although it has metal, it is in the United States. I suggest that the higher the latitude, the better.

The Bazi gene actually exists and all aspects of its operation are the same as those of the earth itself. So when you were born at a low latitude, you must go to a high latitude, because if you were born at a low latitude, If you don't have low latitude conditions, you need to consider moving. Suppose that in the year of Gui Hai, the month has been different, why not? It has two guis that turn into two resources. If he is not in this environment, he has no power. Without power, you will live unnaturally. The same is true for the Bazi. You have this Bazi, but you don't have any power at all. You have to look for it. Look for that area, and you will have that power.

Speaking of genes, will genes change? Yes. But after a long time, you must supply something for a long time. Teacher Zheng Manqing told me that once the two pulses of Ren and Du were connected, they reached the top. Teacher Sun Peirong taught me that the two channels of Ren and Du are connected from the mouth to the anus. Your genes are in your body. During the entire activity, you must generate the entire operation. It naturally has this ecology. This ecology can be integrated with the environment. After being together, it can compete with people and compete with you. Then you win others.
